WELCOME !!!… to Synchrotron Light Research Institute (Public Organization)- SLRI, the only synchrotron research institute in Thailand and, currently, the largest one in the Southeast Asia.
SLRI is the national synchrotron research institute which also known as “Thai Synchrotron National Lab”, situated in Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand. SLRI performs its main duties on development, operation, and management of synchrotron light source “Siam Photon Source (SPS)” in order to achieve one of its main goals in production of synchrotron light and provide it for user application on research.
The SPS machine is a dedicated 1.2 GeV synchrotron radiation source. It has been in operation for user service since 2003. Since the light obtained from the synchrotron light source is the high-intensity radiation covering the range from the infrared to high-energy X-rays, it can be applied to research in many areas for benefits of scientific, education, and industrial sectors. SLRI is currently serving various experimental techniques for the light application to both Thai and international users.
SLRI maintains and operates the SPS as an effective tool to support application for scientific, academic, research, and industrial purposes. At the same time, development of advanced engineering technology is also promoted and performed for scientific and technological development of the country.
For more information, please visit https://www.slri.or.th/en/